Sunday, August 07, 2016

2016-08-06 Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child Playlist & Stream

That was kind of a weird show! But it was several buckets of fun to do, and, I hope, to listen to. 1st set They Might Be Giants - It’s Spare the Rock ID They Might Be Giants - Nonagon Sonia De La Santos - Esta Es Tu Tierra Charlie Hope - The One That I Love (in-studio) ID Sarah Lee Guthrie & Family - Go Waggaloo Sugar Free Allstars - My Daddy’s Record Collection ID (8/21 at Creative Action, details at The Doubleclicks - President Snakes [WJFF/KCMJ - Adam Bernstein - Whisper Song KUTX - SCOTTISH RITE UNDERWRITING KUTX - 2nd set Walter Martin (w/ Karen O & Nick Zinner) - Rattlesnakes ID/prep to Rock TMBG - Don’t Spare the Rock! ID The Replacements - Rattlesnake St. Vincent - Rattlesnake Red Yarn - Rattlesnake ID [KUTX - SUMMER CHECKLIST UNDERWRITING [KUTX - Baby Loves Jazz - Paw Paw Patch [WJFF/KCMJ - Baby Loves Jazz - Paw Paw Patch 3rd set Secret Agent 23 Skidoo - Lucktricity (w/ Weird Science) 123 Andres - The Two Cows ID Mike Watt - Walking The Cow Ella Jenkins - Milk Cow Blues The Suburbs - Cows ID They Might Be Giants - Cowtown They Might Be Giants - Spare the Rock