Tuesday, July 10, 2018

2018-07-08 Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child playlist & stream

1st set They Might Be Giants - It’s Spare the Rock ID They Might Be Giants - Moles, Hounds, Bears, Bees and Hares Gustafer Yellowgold - Beard for All Seasons ID (Gustafer at SRT 7/28) Django Jones - Potato Leek Soup Story Laurie - Shoofly Pie ID Lucky Diaz, Andrew & Polly, & Mista Cookie Jar - Shine Your Light Link Wray - Batman ID Sam Cooke - Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha [KUTX - Mike Doughty - Firetruck [WJFF/KCMJ - Mike Doughty - Firetruck/Ella Jenkins - Row, Row, Row Your Boat 2nd set Falu - Hulululu Bus ID (prep to rock) TMBG - Don’t Spare the Rock! ID The Replacements - Radio Hook Word Hit CandyBand - If You’re Happy and You know It The Verve Pipe - I’m Not Sleeping In (Cuz It’s Saturday) The Boy Least Likely To - When Life Gives Me Lemons I Make Lemonade ID 3rd set Shine & the Moonbeams - Shake for Eight Secret Agent 23 Skidoo - Broken Dreams (new) ID (Tumble live podcast at SRT 8/19), feat. SaulPaul and EMQ Marshall Escamilla - 8 Planets in the Solar System Michael Franti & Spearhead - Earth from Outer Space Uncle Rock - Shoe Bandit ID They Might Be Giants - I Can Add They Might Be Giants - Spare the Rock